Compass Health Network

Monthly Archives: April 2020

Prevention Videos for Kids

Below you will find our library of prevention videos. A great resource for teachers, parents, or guardians staying at home with school-age children. There’s one for every grade from Kindergarten to 8th!

Prevention - Grade K-1 - Anger and Conflict Resolution

Prevention - Grade 2 - Unfair Anger

Prevention - Grade 3 & 4 - Bullying & Teasing

Prevention - Grade 5 - Cyber Bullying

Prevention - Grade 6-8 - Coping with Stress and Anxiety in these Uncertain Times

Prevention - Grade 7 - Cyber Bullying

Prevention - Grade 6 - Child Abuse Prevention (Password Protected)

Prevention - Grade 6 - Resolving Conflict

Prevention - Grade 6 - Diversity and Acceptance

Prevention Marketing Materials for Kids

Coronavirus – A book for children

Nosy Crow made this book quickly, to meet the needs of children and their families. No one involved was paid anything for their work. By Elizabeth

Jenner, Kate Wilson & Nia Roberts llustrated by Axel Scheffler…


“There’s a new word you might have heard.
You might hear people talking about it or you might hear it on the news.
This word is the reason that you’re not going to school. It is the reason you
can’t go outside very often or visit your friends. It might be the reason why
the grown-up or grown-ups who look after you are at home.”

-short excerpt from the Coronavirus-A book for children

click here to download the pdf version of the book

Helping Children with Traumatic Separation…

This tip sheet is for caregivers or other adults supporting children with traumatic separation or traumatic grief related to COVID-19. Especially in stressful times, in addition to the suggestions here, all children benefit from caregivers listening to and validating their different feelings. This sheet was created by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network

Click here to read more

Giant List of Things to Do with Your Kids at Home

Thanks to the Princess Awesome & Boy Wonder Community for the amazing suggestions!!

  • Have each kid pick a topic they’d like to learn about and spend 30 mins each day on that topic
  • Spend one day reading every single picture book we have in the house
  • Go through all the old mail laying around (ok, that one’s not for kids although they do enjoy helping tear stuff up)
  • Bake something every day
  • Have each kid write a letter and/or emails to a different friend or family member each day
  • Use all of our building toys on one giant structure
  • Wash our hands!!!!
  • Races of various kinds in the backyard (hopping on one foot, crabwalk, walking backwards, etc.)
  • Try stop motion animation with playdough
  • Facetime grandparents a lot
  • Watch everything on Disney+
  • Inventory the plants & wildlife (from bugs on up) in your yard.Llearn the parts of plants/flowers & how they function (bonus if they learn the Latin names).
  • If you aren’t too squeamish & have a spare clear shoebox size tote or 5-10 gallon tank, catch some pillbugs (rolly pollies, sowbugs) & observe them (if you really do this, i can tell you how to set them up. i have about a thousand of them currently because it’s too cold here to thin the herd & they’ve been reproducing all winter. they’re pretty interesting).
  • Write a short story & illustrate it.
  • Learn how to do simple book binding.
  • Make paper (from your old mail!)
  • Have the kids help with yardwork in between playing games outside. They’re little, but they like getting dirty and “working” in the gardens.
  • GoNoodle! Great for guided movement, relaxation, etc.
  • Board games, card games
  • Legos.
  • We have some extreme dot to dot books (1400 dots) that the kids love, especially the 5 year old!
  • Lots of reading, playing with the dog,
  • Working on learning to sew using stuff we have on hand.
  • Card making/scrapbooking projects (mostly for me but kids can do it too).
  • Getting the garden ready, we need to weed and work the ground. I might get seeds and we’ll set up to have our own starts this year.
  • Make tents and reading caves : ) flashlights, tidy snacks, books, and pillows!
  • Have a shadow show in the reading tent (we used blankets over chairs or a table)
  • Get binoculars and learn about the birds near your house, look them up on google and search for their birdcalls on YouTube
  • Learn how to make a stuffed animal
  • Play with cornstarch and water and cheap action figures
  • Many educational websites are waving fees if your students school is closed

read more of the article from First Things First

Social Distancing Doesn’t Have to Mean Social Isolation

10 ways to stay connected with others and prevent loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic. – by Laurie Theeke, WVU Nursing Professor

Identify your vital connections “These are connections that you view as essential to your health, well-being and quality of life. This could be a broad range of people, including friends, neighbors and family.”

Make sure you have contact information “This includes phone numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses for vital connections. This way you can call, email and—yes—mail things to people you want to stay connected with on a regular basis.”

Evaluate your connectivity resources “Do you have a cell phone? Consider using FaceTime to talk to someone rather than just calling. Being able to see the face of another person can make you feel more connected. Do you have a computer? If so, is there an online blog or group you could join to help others and stay connected? Do you have a walkie-talkie set? It might sound odd, but sometimes playing with this type of old-fashioned connection can be a fun way to get in touch with people.”

Make a schedule “A schedule helps us to stay on track and will help you to feel engaged throughout the day. Include items in your schedule that help you to stay connected. For example, put it on your schedule to call a different neighbor each day if that helps. Add calling a child or parent daily. These types of scheduled contacts will help you get through the pandemic and help you to feel good about your proactive approach to maintaining social ties.”

Engage in positive health behaviors “Make every effort to stay healthy because it is known that a lack of sleep and exercise will contribute to loneliness. Know that foods like fruits and vegetables contribute to hormones that increase your happiness. For many, social distancing means cooking at home, so plan for healthy meals.”

Consider helping other people as much as you can “Helping others makes people feel better. Is there a list of people that you can connect with by phone in an effort to help them feel more connected? Make a list and call them. Ask them if it is OK to check in daily.”

Get creative “People in Appalachia corner the market on crafting and do-it-yourself projects. Plan to use the time you gain from social distancing to start an at-home project or get back into a hobby. We know that engaging in creative activities can help to prevent feeling lonely. It is hard to be lonely when you are enjoying doing something.”

Go outside “Staying at home to social-distance doesn’t mean that you can’t be outside at all. You can take a short walk, sit on the porch or wave to a neighbor. As the weather warms up, consider starting some seeds for an upcoming garden.”

Have a virtual movie meetup or book club “Plan to read the same book at the same time as your friends or relatives, and then call or group-chat to talk about it. Watching the same movie can provoke discussion, too.

Connect with healthcare Call now to find out what your providers are doing so that you can still receive care. This may be through telephone visits, online support groups, messaging through your electronic health record, using call-in numbers or having e-visits. Your providers can do many things by distance, so check to make sure you know what is available.”

reference link to article: “EXPERT PITCH: Social Distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation

Free Online Meetings and Virtual Resources

Listing of online 12-step meetings on various platforms.

Al-Anon Electronic Meetings
This forum and recovery chat room for Narcotics Anonymous members features voice chat, Skype, and text chat meetings connecting people from around the world.

Alcoholics Anonymous Online Intergroup
Listing of online meetings from AA Intergroup.

Smart Recovery
Message board, chat room, online meetings, and online library.

Adult Children of Alcoholics
Phone and Online Meetings

In The Rooms (Online Meetings)
An online platform supporting a wide range of 12-step and non-12 step meetings

Bridge Club Virtual Meetings
Meetings that are specifically focused on women and LGBTQIA+ folks who are sober or interested in sobriety.

Refuge Recovery Online Meetings
Listing of daily online meetings

Families Anonymous Virtual Meetings
Online meetings for parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, significant others, other family members and friends of those with a current, suspected or former drug problem.

Life Ring Recovery
Listing of online meetings.

The Temper
An online publication/site that explores life through the lens of sobriety, addiction, and recovery. Includes links to resources

My Recovery
Online 12-step meetings

Sober Grid
A free online social networking platform for people in recovery. Available in mobile app stores

Narcotics Anonymous
Listing of online meetings provided by NA.