Specialized Care For Adults With Chronic Behavioral Health Conditions
Specialized Care For Adults With Chronic Behavioral Health Conditions
Specialized Care For Adults With Chronic Behavioral Health Conditions
Compass Health Network offers a complete continuum of services and supports for patients with the most serious behavioral health challenges resulting from brain disorders that create a chronic medical condition. Just like other chronic medical conditions (diabetes, heart disease, COPD, etc.), people with serious and persistent behavioral health challenges can be treated successfully and live full, productive, healthy lives.
With the assistance of an integrated health specialist, adults with serious behavioral health challenges will build a wellness plan suited to their unique needs. Wellness plans might include goal-oriented skill building, employment and educational supports, linking to natural and community supports, psychiatry, counseling, primary care, and dental services.
We believe employment is an essential component of recovery for many people with mental illness and offer Individual Placement and Support (IPS), an evidence-based practice approach to vocational rehabilitation for people with severe mental illness. This model has consistently proven to be more effective than traditional approaches in helping people achieve and maintain employment. Core principles include:
Eligibility is based on consumer choice.
No one is excluded who wants to participate. Supported employment is integrated with treatment. Employment specialists coordinate plans with the treatment team: the case manager, therapist, psychiatrist, etc.Job search starts soon after a consumer expresses interest in working.
There are no requirements for completing extensive pre-employment assessment and training, or intermediate work experiences (like pre-vocational work units, transitional employment or sheltered workshops).
Consumer preferences are important.
Choices and decisions about work and support are individually based on the person’s preferences, strengths, and experiences.
Competitive employment is the goal.
The focus is community jobs anyone can apply for that pay at least minimum wage, including part-time and full-time jobs.Follow-along supports are continuous.
Individualized supports to maintain employment continue as long as consumers want the assistance.
Benefits counseling is part of the employment decision-making process.
Personalized benefits planning and guidance help consumers to make informed decisions about job starts and changes.ASSERTIVE COMMUNITY TREATMENT
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) provides many types of services to people with serious mental illnesses. ACT teams provide services directly to people in their community. ACT team members receive specialty training and have the skills they need to meet the many needs of the people they serve. The ACT team provides these services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, each day of the year.
People getting services from an ACT team are usually people with schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders (e.g., schizoaffective disorder), and bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness); those who are not helped by usual outpatient models; those who have difficulty getting to appointments on their own; those who have had bad experiences in the traditional system; or those who have limited understanding of their need for help.
ACT and Assertive Community Treatment — Transitional Aged Youth (ACT-TAY) provide several specialized services directly to people in the community living with serious mental illnesses. Team members receive training and have skills necessary to meet the many needs of the people they serve.
Team members help those they serve to learn how to manage symptoms of a mental illness, as well as dealing with housing, finances, employment, medical care, substance use, family, and daily life. The teams provide these services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, each day of the year.
Housing assistance is available to adults who currently receive behavioral health services from Compass Health Network. The goal of our housing programs is to help people live in community settings suited to their needs and preferences. There are a number of options, however, capacity is limited.CLUBHOUSE
Bel-Ray (Belton, Missouri), Harmony (Washington, Missouri), and Headway Clubhouses (St. Charles, Missouri) are organized communities that support people living with the effects of mental illness. Clubhouse members are given opportunities tailored to meet their unique needs to rejoin the worlds of friendships, family, important work, employment, education, and health and wellness activities. The Clubhouses are restorative environments for people who have had their lives drastically disrupted due to mental illness and need the support of others who believe that recovery from mental illness is possible for all.Psychology Services
Psychology Services
Following the assessment process, you and your psychologist will use proven and effective interventions that might include those listed below to support positive mental health.
Bio- and Neuro-feedback uses equipment to measure biologic and neurological trackers to assist in treatment. It can help doctors and counselors have access to measurable data to provide effective treatment.
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing or EMDR is particularly effective intervention for those who have experienced trauma, people with distressing memories, anxiety, etc.
Virtual Reality (VR) Treatment simulates real-life scenarios in your brain that might cause mental distress. Used in conjunction with proven therapeutic treatments like exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, VR treatment aids in the treatment of anxiety and phobias.
Psychological Assessment/Testing For Children And Adults
Psychological Assessment/Testing For Children And Adults
Our licensed psychologists will use their expertise to select the right assessment and testing tools to meet your individual needs. This could include:
Learning Disability Evaluations assist in identifying whether or not a child (or adult in college or vocational rehabilitation) has a learning disability, and if so, in what area.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Assessments are used to identify the presence or absence of a diagnosis that falls on the Autistic Spectrum, including Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Assessments of this nature will include treatment recommendations and/or referral sources.
Diagnostic Clarification Evaluations help assist in clarifying the diagnosis of an individual and make recommendations for treatment, for example, ADHD evaluations. These can also be used to assist in the development of IEPs, behavior modification programs, and more tailored treatment options.
Parental Capacity Assessments are NOT custody assessments. These only speak to a client’s ability to parent their child, including where they struggle and what improvements they can make, as well as what they are doing well.
Psychiatry: Telehealth Services
Psychiatry: Telehealth Services
The ground-breaking telecommunication allows you and your psychiatric provider to be in different places and still see each other face to face. This provides you an opportunity to go to a clinic close to you and see your provider of choice on a regular basis. Through telehealth, you can receive initial consultations, clinical services, and medication management without having to drive hundreds of miles or take hours out of your day.
Similar to a FaceTime or Skype experience, you and your psychiatric provider will talk to each other over a secure network through a large monitor equipped with a camera and microphone.
Compass Health Network uses technology to provide increased access to our team of experienced psychiatric providers.
Our hotline number: 1-888-237-4567