Compass Health Network’s continuum of care extends to collaborative partnerships throughout the communities we serve. The information below explains unique programming in place to support a variety of needs.
A School-Based Integrated Health Specialist (IHS) works in collaboration with a child’s school and their family to improve student functioning that is impaired due to a serious emotional disorder. The IHS will assemble a support team that will collaboratively develop a unique plan of care focused on health and wellness. Wellness plans may include goal-oriented skill building, employment and educational supports, linking to natural and community supports, psychiatry, counseling, primary care, and dental services. IHS staff also provide consultation to school staff on a variety of mental help topics and interventions.
Our licensed therapists will work with your child in his/her school to provide compassionate, goal-oriented counseling .
Check with your child’s school to see if these services are offered in your school district.
Students in Kindergarten—8th grade participate in prevention programs that provide education on critical age appropriate topics. The sessions are designed to help children develop new skills, and encourage children to make safe and healthy choices for themselves and others. Among the programs provided are: Personal Safety, Healthy Dating Relationships, Violence Prevention, Bullying & Teasing, Cyber Bullying, and a Sixth grade specific program titled – Changes & Choices which covers a wide range of important topics. Prevention programs are being delivered in St. Charles, Warren, Lincoln, and Franklin county schools.
Early Intervention Services are designed to help children identified as having emerging, mild to moderate behavioral problems, school adjustments issues, or emotionally-based social problems with the goal of preventing the need for more intensive services later in adolescence.
Students in Kindergarten through Third grade are screened for emerging behavioral health issues and those needing intervention meet regularly with a trained professional on behavior modification.
Check with your child’s school to see if these services are offered in your school district.
As a Department of Mental Health Prevention provider, our mission is to engage and empower communities to promote and support community wellness. We provide assistance by 1) conducting community assessments; identifying risk factors influencing substance use and locating resources to address those risk factors and 2) helping communities strategically plan on how best to address drug and alcohol prevention and 3) offering community training in Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid, Signs of Suicide (SOS), substance use/addiction education, Tobacco Free Missouri training and more. School-based services include workshops for teacher professional development days, back to school fairs, support for prevention related activities and student prevention education training.
Compass Health’s Support Coordination program recognizes the importance individuals and families realizing their full potential. We provide Targeted Case Management services through a partnership with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) Division of Developmental Disabilities for individuals of all ages in Bates, Henry and Laclede Counties.
Individuals are screened for eligibility through DMH and referred to the Support Coordination entity for the county in which they live. We work side by side with the individual and their identified network to identify and implement individualized services and supports that will increase independence, integration and inclusion in their community of choice.
The individual and/ or family is the lead member of their team in planning for future goals like fitting into a peer group at school, finishing school and going to college, obtaining competitive employment in a field of their choice or choosing a roommate that shares common interests.
We assist individuals and families in planning through the lifespan and helping set in place plans so goals and dreams become reality.
To prioritize safety due to incoming weather, all Compass Health Network clinics will be closed on Monday, January 6th. Behavioral Health Crisis Centers and residential locations will remain open as usual, virtual therapy appointments will continue as scheduled. If you have an appointment scheduled for January 6th, a Compass employee will be calling you to discuss your appointment.
If you have any questions or need to reschedule an appointment, please call 844-853-8937. If you or someone you care about is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, call 988 to connect with a professional counselor. Support is always available. Thank you for your understanding.