PWF is a strength-based, family-driven program that works in collaboration with families, schools, the juvenile justice system, the Children’s Division, and other child serving agencies to provide a comprehensive system of care for the child and their family in an effort to keep children and youth safe, at home, in school, and becoming productive members of the community.
With the assistance of an integrated health specialist, children and their families will engage in a process called “wraparound” that will “wrap” needed services and supports around the child and their family resulting in a unique plan of care focused on health and wellness. Wellness plans may include goal-oriented skill building, employment and educational supports, linking to natural and community supports, psychiatry, counseling, primary care, and dental services.
To prioritize safety due to incoming weather, all Compass Health Network clinics will be closed on Monday, January 6th. Behavioral Health Crisis Centers and residential locations will remain open as usual, virtual therapy appointments will continue as scheduled. If you have an appointment scheduled for January 6th, a Compass employee will be calling you to discuss your appointment.
If you have any questions or need to reschedule an appointment, please call 844-853-8937. If you or someone you care about is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, call 988 to connect with a professional counselor. Support is always available. Thank you for your understanding.